This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Maajh on Pannaa 131 of SGGS ji:
mwJ mhlw 5 ] |
maajh mehalaa 5 |
Maajh, Fifth Mehl: |
kauxu su mukqw kauxu su jugqw ] |
koun s mukathaa koun s jugathaa |
Who is liberated, and who is united? |
kauxu su igAwnI kauxu su bkqw ] |
koun s giaanee koun s bakathaa |
Who is a spiritual teacher, and who is a preacher? |
kauxu su igrhI kauxu audwsI kauxu su kImiq pwey jIau ]1] |
koun s girehee koun oudhaasee koun s keemath paaeae jeeo 1 |
Who is a house-holder, and who is a renunciate? Who can estimate the Lord's Value? 1 |
ikin ibiD bwDw ikin ibiD CUtw ] |
kin bidhh baadhhaa kin bidhh shhoottaa |
How is one bound, and how is one freed of his bonds? |
ikin ibiD Awvxu jwvxu qUtw ] |
kin bidhh aavan jaavan thoottaa |
How can one escape from the cycle of coming and going in reincarnation? |
kaux krm kaux inhkrmw kauxu su khY khwey jIau ]2] |
koun karam koun nihakaramaa koun s kehai kehaaeae jeeo 2 |
Who is subject to karma, and who is beyond karma? Who chants the Name, and inspires others to chant it? 2 |
kauxu su suKIAw kauxu su duKIAw ] |
koun s sukheeaa koun s dhukheeaa |
Who is happy, and who is sad? |
kauxu su snmuKu kauxu vymuKIAw ] |
koun s sanamukh koun vaemukheeaa |
Who, as sunmukh, turns toward the Guru, and who, as vaymukh, turns away from the Guru? |
ikin ibiD imlIAY ikin ibiD ibCurY ieh ibiD kauxu pRgtwey jIau ]3] |
kin bidhh mileeai kin bidhh bishhurai eih bidhh koun pragattaaeae jeeo 3 |
How can one meet the Lord? How is one separated from Him? Who can reveal the way to me? 3 |
kauxu su AKru ijqu Dwvqu rhqw ] |
koun s akhar jith dhhaavath rehathaa |
What is that Word, by which the wandering mind can be restrained? |
kauxu aupdysu ijqu duKu suKu sm shqw ] |
koun oupadhaes jith dhukh sukh sam sehathaa |
What are those teachings, by which we may endure pain and pleasure alike? |
kauxu su cwl ijqu pwrbRhmu iDAwey ikin ibiD kIrqnu gwey jIau ]4] |
koun s chaal jith paarabreham dhhiaaeae kin bidhh keerathan gaaeae jeeo 4 |
What is that lifestyle, by which we may come to meditate on the Supreme Lord? How may we sing the Kirtan of His Praises? 4 |
gurmuiK mukqw gurmuiK jugqw ] |
guramukh mukathaa guramukh jugathaa |
The Gurmukh is liberated, and the Gurmukh is linked. |
gurmuiK igAwnI gurmuiK bkqw ] |
guramukh giaanee guramukh bakathaa |
The Gurmukh is the spiritual teacher, and the Gurmukh is the preacher. |
DMnu igrhI audwsI gurmuiK gurmuiK kImiq pwey jIau ]5] |
dhha(n)n girehee oudhaasee guramukh guramukh keemath paaeae jeeo 5 |
Blessed is the Gurmukh, the householder and the renunciate. The Gurmukh knows the Lord's Value. 5 |
haumY bwDw gurmuiK CUtw ] |
houmai baadhhaa guramukh shhoottaa |
Egotism is bondage; as Gurmukh, one is emancipated. |
gurmuiK Awvxu jwvxu qUtw ] |
guramukh aavan jaavan thoottaa |
The Gurmukh escapes the cycle of coming and going in reincarnation. |
gurmuiK krm gurmuiK inhkrmw gurmuiK kry su suBwey jIau ]6] |
guramukh karam guramukh nihakaramaa guramukh karae s subhaaeae jeeo 6 |
The Gurmukh performs actions of good karma, and the Gurmukh is beyond karma. Whatever the Gurmukh does, is done in good faith. 6 |
gurmuiK suKIAw mnmuiK duKIAw ] |
guramukh sukheeaa manamukh dhukheeaa |
The Gurmukh is happy, while the self-willed manmukh is sad. |
gurmuiK snmuKu mnmuiK vymuKIAw ] |
guramukh sanamukh manamukh vaemukheeaa |
The Gurmukh turns toward the Guru, and the self-willed manmukh turns away from the Guru. |
gurmuiK imlIAY mnmuiK ivCurY gurmuiK ibiD pRgtwey jIau ]7] |
guramukh mileeai manamukh vishhurai guramukh bidhh pragattaaeae jeeo 7 |
The Gurmukh is united with the Lord, while the manmukh is separated from Him. The Gurmukh reveals the way. 7 |
gurmuiK AKru ijqu Dwvqu rhqw ] |
guramukh akhar jith dhhaavath rehathaa |
The Guru's Instruction is the Word, by which the wandering mind is restrained. |
gurmuiK aupdysu duKu suKu sm shqw ] |
guramukh oupadhaes dhukh sukh sam sehathaa |
Through the Guru's Teachings, we can endure pain and pleasure alike. |
gurmuiK cwl ijqu pwrbRhmu iDAwey gurmuiK kIrqnu gwey jIau ]8] |
guramukh chaal jith paarabreham dhhiaaeae guramukh keerathan gaaeae jeeo 8 |
To live as Gurmukh is the lifestyle by which we come to meditate on the Supreme Lord. The Gurmukh sings the Kirtan of His Praises. 8 |
sglI bxq bxweI Awpy ] |
sagalee banath banaaee aapae |
The Lord Himself created the entire creation. |
Awpy kry krwey Qwpy ] |
aapae karae karaaeae thhaapae |
He Himself acts, and causes others to act. He Himself establishes. |
ieksu qy hoieE Anµqw nwnk eyksu mwih smwey jIau ]9]2]36] |
eikas thae hoeiou ana(n)thaa naanak eaekas maahi samaaeae jeeo 9236 |
From oneness, He has brought forth the countless multitudes. O Nanak, they shall merge into the One once again. 9236 |