Friday, June 09, 2006

They Eat And Wear What They Are Given, But Still, They Deny The Lord.

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Ang 195 of SGGS ji:

gauVI mhlw 5 ]
gourree mehalaa 5
Gauree, Fifth Mehla:

Kwdw pYndw mUkir pwie ]
khaadhaa painadhaa mookar paae
They eat and wear what they are given, but still, they deny the Lord.

iqs no johih dUq Drmrwie ]1]
this no johehi dhooth dhharamaraae 1
The messengers of the Righteous Judge of Dharma shall hunt them down. 1

iqsu isau bymuKu ijin jIau ipMfu dInw ]
this sio baemukh jin jeeo pi(n)dd dheenaa
They are unfaithful to the One, who has given them body and soul.

koit jnm Brmih bhu jUnw ]1] rhwau ]
kott janam bharamehi bahu joonaa 1 rehaao
Through millions of incarnations, for so many lifetimes, they wander lost. 1Pause

swkq kI AYsI hY rIiq ]
saakath kee aisee hai reeth
Such is the lifestyle of the faithless cynics;

jo ikCu krY sgl ibprIiq ]2]
jo kishh karai sagal bipareeth 2
everything they do is evil. 2

jIau pRwx ijin mnu qnu DwirAw ] soeI Twkuru mnhu ibswirAw ]3]
jeeo praan jin man than dhhaariaa soee t(h)aakur manahu bisaariaa 3
Within their minds, they have forgotten that Lord and Master, who created the soul, breath of life, mind and body. 3

bDy ibkwr ilKy bhu kwgr ]
badhhae bikaar likhae bahu kaagar
Their wickedness and corruption have increased - they are recorded in volumes of books.

nwnk auDru ik®pw suK swgr ]4]
naanak oudhhar kirapaa sukh saagar 4
O Nanak, they are saved only by the Mercy of God, the Ocean of peace. 4

pwrbRhm qyrI srxwie ]
paarabreham thaeree saranaae
O Supreme Lord God, I have come to Your Sanctuary.

bMDn kwit qrY hir nwie ]1] rhwau dUjw ]78]147]
ba(n)dhhan kaatt tharai har naae 1 rehaao dhoojaa 78147
Break my bonds, and carry me across, with the Lord's Name. 1Second Pause78147

Thursday, June 08, 2006

The sinner is unfaithful to himself; he is ignorant, with shallow understanding.

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Ang 261 of SGGS Ji:
pauVI ]
lUx hrwmI gunhgwr bygwnw Alp miq ]
loon haraamee gunehagaar baegaanaa alap math
The sinner is unfaithful to himself; he is ignorant, with shallow understanding.
jIau ipMfu ijin suK dIey qwih n jwnq qq ]
jeeo pi(n)dd jin sukh dheeeae thaahi n jaanath thath
He does not know the essence of all, the One who gave him body, soul and peace.
lwhw mwieAw kwrny dh idis FUFn jwie ]
laahaa maaeiaa kaaranae dheh dhis dtoodtan jaae
For the sake of personal profit and Maya, he goes out, searching in the ten directions.
dyvnhwr dwqwr pRB inmK n mnih bswie ]
dhaevanehaar dhaathaar prabh nimakh n manehi basaae
He does not enshrine the Generous Lord God, the Great Giver, in his mind, even for an instant.
lwlc JUT ibkwr moh ieAw sMpY mn mwih ]
laalach jhoot(h) bikaar moh eiaa sa(n)pai man maahi
Greed, falsehood, corruption and emotional attachment - these are what he collects within his mind.
lµpt cor inMdk mhw iqnhU sMig ibhwie ]
la(n)patt chor ni(n)dhak mehaa thinehoo sa(n)g bihaae
The worst perverts, thieves and slanderers - he passes his time with them.
quDu BwvY qw bKis lYih Koty sMig Kry ]
thudhh bhaavai thaa bakhas laihi khottae sa(n)g kharae
But if it pleases You, Lord, then You forgive the counterfeit along with the genuine.
nwnk BwvY pwrbRhm pwhn nIir qry ]52]
naanak bhaavai paarabreham paahan neer tharae 52
O Nanak, if it pleases the Supreme Lord God, then even a stone will float on water. 52

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Turn away, O my mind, turn away.

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Dayv Gandhaaree on Ang 535
dyvgMDwrI mhlw 5 ]
dhaevaga(n)dhhaaree mehalaa 5
Dayv-Gandhaaree, Fifth Mehla:
aultI ry mn aultI ry ]
oulattee rae man oulattee rae
Turn away, O my mind, turn away.
swkq isau kir aultI ry ]
saakath sio kar oulattee rae
Turn away from the faithless cynic.
JUTY kI ry JUTu prIiq CutkI ry mn CutkI ry swkq sMig n CutkI ry ]1] rhwau ]
jhoot(h)ai kee rae jhoot(h) pareeth shhuttakee rae man shhuttakee rae saakath sa(n)g n shhuttakee rae 1 rehaao
False is the love of the false one; break the ties, O my mind, and your ties shall be broken. Break your ties with the faithless cynic. 1Pause
ijau kwjr Bir mMdru rwiKE jo pYsY kwlUKI ry ]
jio kaajar bhar ma(n)dhar raakhiou jo paisai kaalookhee rae
One who enters a house filled with soot is blackened.
dUrhu hI qy Bwig gieE hY ijsu gur imil CutkI iqRkutI ry ]1]
dhoorahu hee thae bhaag gaeiou hai jis gur mil shhuttakee thrikuttee rae 1
Run far away from such people! One who meets the Guru escapes from the bondage of the three dispositions. 1
mwgau dwnu ik®pwl ik®pw iniD myrw muKu swkq sMig n jutsI ry ]
maago dhaan kirapaal kirapaa nidhh maeraa mukh saakath sa(n)g n juttasee rae
I beg this blessing of You, O Merciful Lord, ocean of mercy - please, don't bring me face to face with the faithless cyincs.
jn nwnk dws dws ko krIAhu myrw mUMfu swD pgw hyiT rulsI ry ]2]4]37]
jan naanak dhaas dhaas ko kareeahu maeraa moo(n)dd saadhh pagaa haet(h) rulasee rae 2437
Make servant Nanak the slave of Your slave; let his head roll in the dust under the feet of the Holy. 2437

This mind does not follow my advice one tiny bit

This Shabad is by Guru Tegh Bahaadur Ji in Raag Dayv Gandhaaree on Ang 536
<> siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
rwgu dyvgMDwrI mhlw 9 ]
raag dhaevaga(n)dhhaaree mehalaa 9
Raag Dayv-Gandhaaree, Ninth Mehla:
Xh mnu nYk n kihE krY ]
yeh man naik n kehiou karai
This mind does not follow my advice one tiny bit.
sIK isKwie rihE ApnI sI durmiq qy n trY ]1] rhwau ]
seekh sikhaae rehiou apanee see dhuramath thae n ttarai 1 rehaao
I am so tired of giving it instructions - it will not refrain from its evil-mindedness. 1Pause
mid mwieAw kY BieE bwvro hir jsu nih aucrY ]
madh maaeiaa kai bhaeiou baavaro har jas nehi oucharai
It has gone insane with the intoxication of Maya; it does not chant the Lord's Praise.
kir prpMcu jgq kau fhkY Apno audru BrY ]1]
kar parapa(n)ch jagath ko ddehakai apano oudhar bharai 1
Practicing deception, it tries to cheat the world, and so it fills its belly. 1
suAwn pUC ijau hoie n sUDo kihE n kwn DrY ]
suaan pooshh jio hoe n soodhho kehiou n kaan dhharai
Like a dog's tail, it cannot be straightened; it will not listen to what I tell it.
khu nwnk Bju rwm nwm inq jw qy kwju srY ]2]1]
kahu naanak bhaj raam naam nith jaa thae kaaj sarai 21
Says Nanak, vibrate forever the Name of the Lord, and all your affairs shall be adjusted. 21