This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Ang 238 of Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj:
gauVI mhlw 5 ] |
gourree mehalaa 5 |
Gauree, Fifth Mehla: |
hir isau jurY q sBu ko mIqu ] |
har sio jurai th sabh ko meeth |
When someone attaches himself to the Lord, then everyone is his friend. |
hir isau jurY q inhclu cIqu ] |
har sio jurai th nihachal cheeth |
When someone attaches himself to the Lord, then his consciousness is steady. |
hir isau jurY n ivAwpY kwV@w ] |
har sio jurai n viaapai kaarrhaa |
When someone attaches himself to the Lord, he is not afflicted by worries. |
hir isau jurY q hoie insqwrw ]1] |
har sio jurai th hoe nisathaaraa 1 |
When someone attaches himself to the Lord, he is emancipated. 1 |
ry mn myry qUM hir isau joru ] |
rae man maerae thoo(n) har sio jor |
O my mind, unite yourself with the Lord. |
kwij quhwrY nwhI horu ]1] rhwau ] |
kaaj thuhaarai naahee hor 1 rehaao |
Nothing else is of any use to you. 1Pause |
vfy vfy jo dunIAwdwr ] |
vaddae vaddae jo dhuneeaadhaar |
The great and powerful people of the world |
kwhU kwij nwhI gwvwr ] |
kaahoo kaaj naahee gaavaar |
are of no use, you fool! |
hir kw dwsu nIc kulu suxih ] |
har kaa dhaas neech kul sunehi |
The Lord's slave may be born of humble origins, |
iqs kY sMig iKn mih auDrih ]2] |
this kai sa(n)g khin mehi oudhharehi 2 |
but in his company, you shall be saved in an instant. 2 |
koit mjn jw kY suix nwm ] |
kott majan jaa kai sun naam |
Hearing the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is equal to millions of cleansing baths. |
koit pUjw jw kY hY iDAwn ] |
kott poojaa jaa kai hai dhhiaan |
Meditating on it is equal to millions of worship ceremonies. |
koit puMn suix hir kI bwxI ] |
kott pu(n)n sun har kee baanee |
Hearing the Word of the Lord's Bani is equal to giving millions in alms. |
koit Plw gur qy ibiD jwxI ]3] |
kott falaa gur thae bidhh jaanee 3 |
To know the way, through the Guru, is equal to millions of rewards. 3 |
mn Apuny mih iPir iPir cyq ] |
man apunae mehi fir fir chaeth |
Within your mind, over and over again, think of Him, |
ibnis jwih mwieAw ky hyq ] |
binas jaahi maaeiaa kae haeth |
and your love of Maya shall depart. |
hir AibnwsI qumrY sMig ] |
har abinaasee thumarai sa(n)g |
The Imperishable Lord is always with you. |
mn myry rcu rwm kY rMig ]4] |
man maerae rach raam kai ra(n)g 4 |
O my mind, immerse yourself in the Love of the Lord. 4 |
jw kY kwim auqrY sB BUK ] |
jaa kai kaam outharai sabh bhookh |
Working for Him, all hunger departs. |
jw kY kwim n johih dUq ] |
jaa kai kaam n johehi dhooth |
Working for Him, the Messenger of Death will not be watching you. |
jw kY kwim qyrw vf gmru ] |
jaa kai kaam thaeraa vadd gamar |
Working for Him, you shall obtain glorious greatness. |
jw kY kwim hovih qUM Amru ]5] |
jaa kai kaam hovehi thoo(n) amar 5 |
Working for Him, you shall become immortal. 5 |
jw ky cwkr kau nhI fwn ] |
jaa kae chaakar ko nehee ddaan |
His servant does not suffer punishment. |
jw ky cwkr kau nhI bwn ] |
jaa kae chaakar ko nehee baan |
His servant suffers no loss. |
jw kY dPqir puCY n lyKw ] |
jaa kai dhafathar pushhai n laekhaa |
In His Court, His servant does not have to answer for his account. |
qw kI cwkrI krhu ibsyKw ]6] |
thaa kee chaakaree karahu bisaekhaa 6 |
So serve Him with distinction. 6 |
jw kY aUn nwhI kwhU bwq ] |
jaa kai oon naahee kaahoo baath |
He is not lacking in anything. |
eykih Awip Anykih Bwiq ] |
eaekehi aap anaekehi bhaath |
He Himself is One, although He appears in so many forms. |
jw kI idRsit hoie sdw inhwl ] |
jaa kee dhrisatt hoe sadhaa nihaal |
By His Glance of Grace, you shall be happy forever. |
mn myry kir qw kI Gwl ]7] |
man maerae kar thaa kee ghaal 7 |
So work for Him, O my mind. 7 |
nw ko cquru nwhI ko mUVw ] |
naa ko chathur naahee ko moorraa |
No one is clever, and no one is foolish. |
nw ko hIxu nwhI ko sUrw ] |
naa ko heen naahee ko sooraa |
No one is weak, and no one is a hero. |
ijqu ko lwieAw iqq hI lwgw ] |
jith ko laaeiaa thith hee laagaa |
As the Lord attaches someone, so is he attached. |
so syvku nwnk ijsu Bwgw ]8]6] |
so saevak naanak jis bhaagaa 86 |
He alone is the Lord's servant, O Nanak, who is so blessed. 86 |