Tuesday, July 18, 2006

O my mind, unite yourself with the Lord. Nothing else is of any use to you.

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Ang 238 of Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj:
gauVI mhlw 5 ]
gourree mehalaa 5
Gauree, Fifth Mehla:
hir isau jurY q sBu ko mIqu ]
har sio jurai th sabh ko meeth
When someone attaches himself to the Lord, then everyone is his friend.
hir isau jurY q inhclu cIqu ]
har sio jurai th nihachal cheeth
When someone attaches himself to the Lord, then his consciousness is steady.
hir isau jurY n ivAwpY kwV@w ]
har sio jurai n viaapai kaarrhaa
When someone attaches himself to the Lord, he is not afflicted by worries.
hir isau jurY q hoie insqwrw ]1]
har sio jurai th hoe nisathaaraa 1
When someone attaches himself to the Lord, he is emancipated. 1
ry mn myry qUM hir isau joru ]
rae man maerae thoo(n) har sio jor
O my mind, unite yourself with the Lord.
kwij quhwrY nwhI horu ]1] rhwau ]
kaaj thuhaarai naahee hor 1 rehaao
Nothing else is of any use to you. 1Pause
vfy vfy jo dunIAwdwr ]
vaddae vaddae jo dhuneeaadhaar
The great and powerful people of the world
kwhU kwij nwhI gwvwr ]
kaahoo kaaj naahee gaavaar
are of no use, you fool!
hir kw dwsu nIc kulu suxih ]
har kaa dhaas neech kul sunehi
The Lord's slave may be born of humble origins,
iqs kY sMig iKn mih auDrih ]2]
this kai sa(n)g khin mehi oudhharehi 2
but in his company, you shall be saved in an instant. 2
koit mjn jw kY suix nwm ]
kott majan jaa kai sun naam
Hearing the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is equal to millions of cleansing baths.
koit pUjw jw kY hY iDAwn ]
kott poojaa jaa kai hai dhhiaan
Meditating on it is equal to millions of worship ceremonies.
koit puMn suix hir kI bwxI ]
kott pu(n)n sun har kee baanee
Hearing the Word of the Lord's Bani is equal to giving millions in alms.
koit Plw gur qy ibiD jwxI ]3]
kott falaa gur thae bidhh jaanee 3
To know the way, through the Guru, is equal to millions of rewards. 3
mn Apuny mih iPir iPir cyq ]
man apunae mehi fir fir chaeth
Within your mind, over and over again, think of Him,
ibnis jwih mwieAw ky hyq ]
binas jaahi maaeiaa kae haeth
and your love of Maya shall depart.
hir AibnwsI qumrY sMig ]
har abinaasee thumarai sa(n)g
The Imperishable Lord is always with you.
mn myry rcu rwm kY rMig ]4]
man maerae rach raam kai ra(n)g 4
O my mind, immerse yourself in the Love of the Lord. 4
jw kY kwim auqrY sB BUK ]
jaa kai kaam outharai sabh bhookh
Working for Him, all hunger departs.
jw kY kwim n johih dUq ]
jaa kai kaam n johehi dhooth
Working for Him, the Messenger of Death will not be watching you.
jw kY kwim qyrw vf gmru ]
jaa kai kaam thaeraa vadd gamar
Working for Him, you shall obtain glorious greatness.
jw kY kwim hovih qUM Amru ]5]
jaa kai kaam hovehi thoo(n) amar 5
Working for Him, you shall become immortal. 5
jw ky cwkr kau nhI fwn ]
jaa kae chaakar ko nehee ddaan
His servant does not suffer punishment.
jw ky cwkr kau nhI bwn ]
jaa kae chaakar ko nehee baan
His servant suffers no loss.
jw kY dPqir puCY n lyKw ]
jaa kai dhafathar pushhai n laekhaa
In His Court, His servant does not have to answer for his account.
qw kI cwkrI krhu ibsyKw ]6]
thaa kee chaakaree karahu bisaekhaa 6
So serve Him with distinction. 6
jw kY aUn nwhI kwhU bwq ]
jaa kai oon naahee kaahoo baath
He is not lacking in anything.
eykih Awip Anykih Bwiq ]
eaekehi aap anaekehi bhaath
He Himself is One, although He appears in so many forms.
jw kI idRsit hoie sdw inhwl ]
jaa kee dhrisatt hoe sadhaa nihaal
By His Glance of Grace, you shall be happy forever.
mn myry kir qw kI Gwl ]7]
man maerae kar thaa kee ghaal 7
So work for Him, O my mind. 7
nw ko cquru nwhI ko mUVw ]
naa ko chathur naahee ko moorraa
No one is clever, and no one is foolish.
nw ko hIxu nwhI ko sUrw ]
naa ko heen naahee ko sooraa
No one is weak, and no one is a hero.
ijqu ko lwieAw iqq hI lwgw ]
jith ko laaeiaa thith hee laagaa
As the Lord attaches someone, so is he attached.
so syvku nwnk ijsu Bwgw ]8]6]
so saevak naanak jis bhaagaa 86
He alone is the Lord's servant, O Nanak, who is so blessed. 86

No one respects the poor man

This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Bhairao on Ang 1159 of Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj:
inrDn Awdru koeI n dyie ]
niradhhan aadhar koee n dhaee
No one respects the poor man.
lwK jqn krY Ehu iciq n Dryie ]1] rhwau ]
laakh jathan karai ouhu chith n dhharaee 1 rehaao
He may make thousands of efforts, but no one pays any attention to him. 1Pause
jau inrDnu srDn kY jwie ]
jo niradhhan saradhhan kai jaae
When the poor man goes to the rich man,
Awgy bYTw pIiT iPrwie ]1]
aagae bait(h)aa peet(h) firaae 1
and sits right in front of him, the rich man turns his back on him. 1
jau srDnu inrDn kY jwie ]
jo saradhhan niradhhan kai jaae
But when the rich man goes to the poor man,
dIAw Awdru lIAw bulwie ]2]
dheeaa aadhar leeaa bulaae 2
the poor man welcomes him with respect. 2
inrDnu srDnu donau BweI ]
niradhhan saradhhan dhono bhaaee
The poor man and the rich man are both brothers.
pRB kI klw n mytI jweI ]3]
prabh kee kalaa n maettee jaaee 3
God's pre-ordained plan cannot be erased. 3
kih kbIr inrDnu hY soeI ]
kehi kabeer niradhhan hai soee
Says Kabeer, he alone is poor,
jw ky ihrdY nwmu n hoeI ]4]8]
jaa kae hiradhai naam n hoee 48
who does not have the Naam, the Name of the Lord, in his heart. 48

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Within my conscious mind is the constant longing for the Lord. How can I behold the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, Lord?

This Shabad is by Guru Raam Daas Ji in Raag Gauree on Ang 167 of Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj:

gauVI bYrwgix mhlw 4 ]

gourree bairaagan mehalaa 4
Gauree Bairaagan, Fourth Mehla:
hmrY min iciq hir Aws inq ikau dyKw hir drsu qumwrw ]
hamarai man chith har aas nith kio dhaekhaa har dharas thumaaraa
Within my conscious mind is the constant longing for the Lord. How can I behold the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, Lord?
ijin pRIiq lweI so jwxqw hmrY min iciq hir bhuqu ipAwrw ]
jin preeth laaee so jaanathaa hamarai man chith har bahuth piaaraa
One who loves the Lord knows this; the Lord is very dear to my conscious mind.
hau kurbwnI gur Awpxy ijin ivCuiVAw myilAw myrw isrjnhwrw ]1]
ho kurabaanee gur aapanae jin vishhurriaa maeliaa maeraa sirajanehaaraa 1
I am a sacrifice to my Guru, who has re-united me with my Creator Lord; I was separated from Him for such a long time! 1
myry rwm hm pwpI srix pry hir duAwir ]
maerae raam ham paapee saran parae har dhuaar
O my Lord, I am a sinner; I have come to Your Sanctuary, and fallen at Your Door, Lord.
mqu inrgux hm mylY kbhUM ApunI ikrpw Dwir ]1] rhwau ]
math niragun ham maelai kabehoo(n) apunee kirapaa dhhaar 1 rehaao
My intellect is worthless; I am filthy and polluted. Please shower me with Your Mercy sometime. 1Pause
hmry Avgux bhuqu bhuqu hY bhu bwr bwr hir gxq n AwvY ]
hamarae avagun bahuth bahuth hai bahu baar baar har ganath n aavai
My demerits are so many and numerous. I have sinned so many times, over and over again. O Lord, they cannot be counted.
qUM guxvMqw hir hir dieAwlu hir Awpy bKis lYih hir BwvY ]
thoo(n) gunava(n)thaa har har dhaeiaal har aapae bakhas laihi har bhaavai
You, Lord, are the Merciful Treasure of Virtue. When it pleases You, Lord, You forgive me.
hm AprwDI rwKy gur sMgqI aupdysu dIE hir nwmu CfwvY ]2]
ham aparaadhhee raakhae gur sa(n)gathee oupadhaes dheeou har naam shhaddaavai 2
I am a sinner, saved only by the Company of the Guru. He has bestowed the Teachings of the Lord's Name, which saves me. 2
qumry gux ikAw khw myry siqgurw jb guru bolh qb ibsmu hoie jwie ]
thumarae gun kiaa kehaa maerae sathiguraa jab gur boleh thab bisam hoe jaae
What Glorious Virtues of Yours can I describe, O my True Guru? When the Guru speaks, I am transfixed with wonder.
hm jYsy AprwDI Avru koeI rwKY jYsy hm siqguir rwiK lIey Cfwie ]
ham jaisae aparaadhhee avar koee raakhai jaisae ham sathigur raakh leeeae shhaddaae
Can anyone else save a sinner like me? The True Guru has protected and saved me.
qUM guru ipqw qUMhY guru mwqw qUM guru bMDpu myrw sKw sKwie ]3]
thoo(n) gur pithaa thoo(n)hai gur maathaa thoo(n) gur ba(n)dhhap maeraa sakhaa sakhaae 3
O Guru, You are my father. O Guru, You are my mother. O Guru, You are my relative, companion and friend. 3
jo hmrI ibiD hoqI myry siqgurw sw ibiD qum hir jwxhu Awpy ]
jo hamaree bidhh hothee maerae sathiguraa saa bidhh thum har jaanahu aapae
My condition, O my True Guru - that condition, O Lord, is known only to You.
hm rulqy iPrqy koeI bwq n pUCqw gur siqgur sMig kIry hm Qwpy ]
ham rulathae firathae koee baath n pooshhathaa gur sathigur sa(n)g keerae ham thhaapae
I was rolling around in the dirt, and no one cared for me at all. In the Company of the Guru, the True Guru, I, the worm, have been raised up and exalted.
DMnu DMnu gurU nwnk jn kyrw ijqu imilAY cUky siB sog sMqwpy ]4]5]11]49]
dhha(n)n dhha(n)n guroo naanak jan kaeraa jith miliai chookae sabh sog sa(n)thaapae 451149
Blessed, blessed is the Guru of servant Nanak; meeting Him, all my sorrows and troubles have come to an end. 451149