Thursday, April 27, 2006

O Creator Lord, You Yourself are infallible; You never make mistakes

This Shabad is by Guru Raam Daas Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 301 of SGGS ji:
pauVI ]
qU krqw Awip ABulu hY Bulx ivic nwhI ]
thoo karathaa aap abhul hai bhulan vich naahee
O Creator Lord, You Yourself are infallible; You never make mistakes.
qU krih su scy Blw hY gur sbid buJwhI ]
thoo karehi s sachae bhalaa hai gur sabadh bujhaahee
Whatever You do is good, O True Lord; this understanding is obtained through the Word of the Guru's Shabad.
qU krx kwrx smrQu hY dUjw ko nwhI ]
thoo karan kaaran samarathh hai dhoojaa ko naahee
You are the Cause of causes, the All-powerful Lord; there is no other at all.
qU swihbu Agmu dieAwlu hY siB quDu iDAwhI ]
thoo saahib agam dhaeiaal hai sabh thudhh dhhiaahee
O Lord and Master, You are inaccessible and merciful. Everyone meditates on You.
siB jIA qyry qU sBs dw qU sB CfwhI ]4]
sabh jeea thaerae thoo sabhas dhaa thoo sabh shhaddaahee 4
All beings are Yours; You belong to all. You deliver all. 4

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The whiner whines every day.

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Bhairao on Pannaa 1145 of SGGS ji:
BYrau mhlw 5 ]
bhairo mehalaa 5
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
rovnhwrI roju bnwieAw ]
rovanehaaree roj banaaeiaa
The whiner whines every day.
bln brqn kau snbMDu iciq AwieAw ]
balan barathan ko sanaba(n)dhh chith aaeiaa
His attachment to his household and entanglements cloud his mind.
bUiJ bYrwgu kry jy koie ]
boojh bairaag karae jae koe
If someone becomes detached through understanding,
jnm mrx iPir sogu n hoie ]1]
janam maran fir sog n hoe 1
he will not have to suffer in birth and death again. 1
ibiKAw kw sBu DMDu pswru ]
bikhiaa kaa sabh dhha(n)dhh pasaar
All of his conflicts are extensions of his corruption.
ivrlY kIno nwm ADwru ]1] rhwau ]
viralai keeno naam adhhaar 1 rehaao
How rare is that person who takes the Naam as his Support. 1Pause
iqRibiD mwieAw rhI ibAwip ]
thribidhh maaeiaa rehee biaap
The three-phased Maya infects all.
jo lptwno iqsu dUK sMqwp ]
jo lapattaano this dhookh sa(n)thaap
Whoever clings to it suffers pain and sorrow.
suKu nwhI ibnu nwm iDAwey ]
sukh naahee bin naam dhhiaaeae
There is no peace without meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
nwm inDwnu bfBwgI pwey ]2]
naam nidhhaan baddabhaagee paaeae 2
By great good fortune, the treasure of the Naam is received. 2
sÍWgI isau jo mnu rIJwvY ]
svaa(n)gee sio jo man reejhaavai
One who loves the actor in his mind,
sÍwig auqwirAY iPir pCuqwvY ]
svaag outhaariai fir pashhuthaavai
later regrets it when the actor takes off his costume.
myG kI CwieAw jYsy brqnhwr ]
maegh kee shhaaeiaa jaisae barathanehaar
The shade from a cloud is transitory,
qYso prpMcu moh ibkwr ]3]
thaiso parapa(n)ch moh bikaar 3
like the worldly paraphernalia of attachment and corruption. 3
eyk vsqu jy pwvY koie ]
eaek vasath jae paavai koe
If someone is blessed with the singular substance,
pUrn kwju qwhI kw hoie ]
pooran kaaj thaahee kaa hoe
then all of his tasks are accomplished to perfection.
gur pRswid ijin pwieAw nwmu ]
gur prasaadh jin paaeiaa naam
One who obtains the Naam, by Guru's Grace
nwnk AwieAw so prvwnu ]4]20]33]
naanak aaeiaa so paravaan 42033
- O Nanak, his coming into the world is certified and approved. 42033

No pain afflicts that humble being who hungers for You, Lord.

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Maaroo on Pannaa 1097 of SGGS ji:

pauVI ]
ijsu jn qyrI BuK hY iqsu duKu n ivAwpY ]
jis jan thaeree bhukh hai this dhukh n viaapai
No pain afflicts that humble being who hungers for You, Lord.
ijin jin gurmuiK buiJAw su chu kuMfI jwpY ]
jin jan guramukh bujhiaa s chahu ku(n)ddee jaapai
That humble Gurmukh who understands, is celebrated in the four directions.
jo nru aus kI srxI prY iqsu kMbih pwpY ]
jo nar ous kee saranee parai this ka(n)behi paapai
Sins run away from that man, who seeks the Sanctuary of the Lord.
jnm jnm kI mlu auqrY gur DUVI nwpY ]
janam janam kee mal outharai gur dhhoorree naapai
The filth of countless incarnations is washed away, bathing in the dust of the Guru's feet.
ijin hir Bwxw mMinAw iqsu sogu n sMqwpY ]
jin har bhaanaa ma(n)niaa this sog n sa(n)thaapai
Whoever submits to the Lord's Will does not suffer in sorrow.
hir jIau qU sBnw kw imqu hY siB jwxih AwpY ]
har jeeo thoo sabhanaa kaa mith hai sabh jaanehi aapai
O Dear Lord, You are the friend of all; all believe that You are theirs.
AYsI soBw jnY kI jyvfu hir prqwpY ]
aisee sobhaa janai kee jaevadd har parathaapai
The glory of the Lord's humble servant is as great as the Glorious Radiance of the Lord.
sB AMqir jn vrqwieAw hir jn qy jwpY ]8]
sabh a(n)thar jan varathaaeiaa har jan thae jaapai 8
Among all, His humble servant is pre-eminent; through His humble servant, the Lord is known. 8

Forget everything, and be friends with the One Lord alone.

This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Maaroo on Pannaa 1093 of SGGS ji:
pauVI ]
sBy Qok ivswir ieko imqu kir ]
sabhae thhok visaar eiko mith kar
Forget everything, and be friends with the One Lord alone.
mnu qnu hoie inhwlu pwpw dhY hir ]
man than hoe nihaal paapaa dhehai har
Your mind and body shall be enraptured, and the Lord shall burn away your sins.
Awvx jwxw cukY jnim n jwih mir ]
aavan jaanaa chukai janam n jaahi mar
Your comings and goings in reincarnation shall cease; you shall not be reborn and die again.
scu nwmu AwDwru soig n moih jir ]
sach naam aadhhaar sog n mohi jar
The True Name shall be your Support, and you shall not burn in sorrow and attachment.
nwnk nwmu inDwnu mn mih sMij Dir ]20]
naanak naam nidhhaan man mehi sa(n)j dhhar 20
O Nanak, gather in the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within your mind. 20

In Ego...

This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Aasaa on Pannaa 466 of SGGS ji:

slok mÚ 1 ]
salok ma 1
Shalok, First Mehl:
hau ivic AwieAw hau ivic gieAw ]
ho vich aaeiaa ho vich gaeiaa
In ego they come, and in ego they go.
hau ivic jMimAw hau ivic muAw ]
ho vich ja(n)miaa ho vich muaa
In ego they are born, and in ego they die.
hau ivic idqw hau ivic lieAw ]
ho vich dhithaa ho vich laeiaa
In ego they give, and in ego they take.
hau ivic KitAw hau ivic gieAw ]
ho vich khattiaa ho vich gaeiaa
In ego they earn, and in ego they lose.
hau ivic sicAwru kUiVAwru ]
ho vich sachiaar koorriaar
In ego they become truthful or false.
hau ivic pwp puMn vIcwru ]
ho vich paap pu(n)n veechaar
In ego they reflect on virtue and sin.
hau ivic nrik surig Avqwru ]
ho vich narak surag avathaar
In ego they go to heaven or hell.
hau ivic hsY hau ivic rovY ]
ho vich hasai ho vich rovai
In ego they laugh, and in ego they weep.
hau ivic BrIAY hau ivic DovY ]
ho vich bhareeai ho vich dhhovai
In ego they become dirty, and in ego they are washed clean.
hau ivic jwqI ijnsI KovY ]
ho vich jaathee jinasee khovai
In ego they lose social status and class.
hau ivic mUrKu hau ivic isAwxw ]
ho vich moorakh ho vich siaanaa
In ego they are ignorant, and in ego they are wise.
moK mukiq kI swr n jwxw ]
mokh mukath kee saar n jaanaa
They do not know the value of salvation and liberation.
hau ivic mwieAw hau ivic CwieAw ]
ho vich maaeiaa ho vich shhaaeiaa
In ego they love Maya, and in ego they are kept in darkness by it.
haumY kir kir jMq aupwieAw ]
houmai kar kar ja(n)th oupaaeiaa
Living in ego, mortal beings are created.
haumY bUJY qw dru sUJY ]
houmai boojhai thaa dhar soojhai
When one understands ego, then the Lord's gate is known.
igAwn ivhUxw kiQ kiQ lUJY ]
giaan vihoonaa kathh kathh loojhai
Without spiritual wisdom, they babble and argue.
nwnk hukmI ilKIAY lyKu ]
naanak hukamee likheeai laekh
O Nanak, by the Lord's Command, destiny is recorded.
jyhw vyKih qyhw vyKu ]1]
jaehaa vaekhehi thaehaa vaekh 1
As the Lord sees us, so are we seen. 1