Thursday, August 31, 2006

Fareed, the path is muddy, and the house of my Beloved is so far away

Gurbani is by Bhagat Sheikh Fareed Ji in Salok Fareed Jee on Ang 1379 of Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj
PrIdw glIey ickVu dUir Gru nwil ipAwry nyhu ]
fareedhaa galeeeae chikarr dhoor ghar naal piaarae naehu
Fareed, the path is muddy, and the house of my Beloved is so far away.
clw q iBjY kMblI rhW q qutY nyhu ]24]
chalaa th bhijai ka(n)balee rehaa(n) th thuttai naehu 24
If I go out, my blanket will get soaked, but if I remain at home, then my heart will be broken. 24

iBjau isjau kMblI Alh vrsau myhu ]
bhijo sijo ka(n)balee aleh varaso maehu
My blanket is soaked, drenched with the downpour of the Lord's Rain.
jwie imlw iqnw sjxw qutau nwhI nyhu ]25]
jaae milaa thinaa sajanaa thutto naahee naehu 25
I am going out to meet my Friend, so that my heart will not be broken. 25

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I am joined in true love with You, Lord

Gurbani is by Bhagat Ravi Daas Ji in Raag Sorath on Ang 658 of Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj:

jau qum igirvr qau hm morw ]
jo thum girivar tho ham moraa
If You are the mountain, Lord, then I am the peacock.
jau qum cMd qau hm Bey hY ckorw ]1]
jo thum cha(n)dh tho ham bheae hai chakoraa 1
If You are the moon, then I am the partridge in love with it. 1
mwDvy qum n qorhu qau hm nhI qorih ]
maadhhavae thum n thorahu tho ham nehee thorehi
O Lord, if You will not break with me, then I will not break with You.
qum isau qoir kvn isau jorih ]1] rhwau ]
thum sio thor kavan sio jorehi 1 rehaao
For, if I were to break with You, with whom would I then join? 1Pause
jau qum dIvrw qau hm bwqI ]
jo thum dheevaraa tho ham baathee
If You are the lamp, then I am the wick.
jau qum qIrQ qau hm jwqI ]2]
jo thum theerathh tho ham jaathee 2
If You are the sacred place of pilgrimage, then I am the pilgrim. 2
swcI pRIiq hm qum isau jorI ]
saachee preeth ham thum sio joree
I am joined in true love with You, Lord.
qum isau joir Avr sMig qorI ]3]
thum sio jor avar sa(n)g thoree 3
I am joined with You, and I have broken with all others. 3
jh jh jwau qhw qyrI syvw ]
jeh jeh jaao thehaa thaeree saevaa
Wherever I go, there I serve You.
qum so Twkuru Aauru n dyvw ]4]
thum so t(h)aakur aour n dhaevaa 4
There is no other Lord Master than You, O Divine Lord. 4
qumry Bjn ktih jm PWsw ]
thumarae bhajan kattehi jam faa(n)saa
Meditating, vibrating upon You, the noose of death is cut away.
Bgiq hyq gwvY rivdwsw ]5]5]
bhagath haeth gaavai ravidhaasaa 55
To attain devotional worship, Ravi Daas sings to You, Lord. 55

How can anyone know the pain of another

This Shabad is by Bhagat Ravi Daas Ji in Raag Soohee on Ang 793 of Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj:
rwgu sUhI bwxI sRI rivdws jIau kI
raag soohee baanee sree ravidhaas jeeo kee
Raag Soohee, The Word Of Sree Ravi Daas Jee:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
sh kI swr suhwgin jwnY ]
seh kee saar suhaagan jaanai
The happy soul-bride knows the worth of her Husband Lord.
qij AiBmwnu suK rlIAw mwnY ]
thaj abhimaan sukh raleeaa maanai
Renouncing pride, she enjoys peace and pleasure.
qnu mnu dyie n AMqru rwKY ]
than man dhaee n a(n)thar raakhai
She surrenders her body and mind to Him, and does not remain separate from Him.
Avrw dyiK n sunY ABwKY ]1]
avaraa dhaekh n sunai abhaakhai 1
She does not see or hear, or speak to another. 1
so kq jwnY pIr prweI ]
so kath jaanai peer paraaee
How can anyone know the pain of another,
jw kY AMqir drdu n pweI ]1] rhwau ]
jaa kai a(n)thar dharadh n paaee 1 rehaao
if there is no compassion and sympathy within? 1Pause
duKI duhwgin duie pK hInI ]
dhukhee dhuhaagan dhue pakh heenee
The discarded bride is miserable, and loses both worlds;
ijin nwh inrMqir Bgiq n kInI ]
jin naah nira(n)thar bhagath n keenee
she does not worship her Husband Lord.
pur slwq kw pMQu duhylw ]
pur salaath kaa pa(n)thh dhuhaelaa
The bridge over the fire of hell is difficult and treacherous.
sMig n swQI gvnu iekylw ]2]
sa(n)g n saathhee gavan eikaelaa 2
No one will accompany you there; you will have to go all alone. 2
duKIAw drdvMdu dir AwieAw ]
dhukheeaa dharadhava(n)dh dhar aaeiaa
Suffering in pain, I have come to Your Door, O Compassionate Lord.
bhuqu ipAws jbwbu n pwieAw ]
bahuth piaas jabaab n paaeiaa
I am so thirsty for You, but You do not answer me.
kih rivdws srin pRB qyrI ]
kehi ravidhaas saran prabh thaeree
Says Ravi Daas, I seek Your Sanctuary, God;
ijau jwnhu iqau kru giq myrI ]3]1]
jio jaanahu thio kar gath maeree 31

as You know me, so will You save me. 31

Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Perfect and Merciful Lord cherishes all.

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Ang 240 of Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj:
gauVI mhlw 5 ]
gourree mehalaa 5
Gauree, Fifth Mehla:
Awid miD jo AMiq inbwhY ] so swjnu myrw mnu cwhY ]1]
aadh madhh jo a(n)th nibaahai so saajan maeraa man chaahai 1
My mind longs for that Friend, who shall stand by me in the beginning, in the middle and in the end. 1
hir kI pRIiq sdw sMig cwlY ]
har kee preeth sadhaa sa(n)g chaalai
The Lord's Love goes with us forever.
dieAwl purK pUrn pRiqpwlY ]1] rhwau ]
dhaeiaal purakh pooran prathipaalai 1 rehaao
The Perfect and Merciful Lord cherishes all. 1Pause
ibnsq nwhI Coif n jwie ]
binasath naahee shhodd n jaae
He shall never perish, and He shall never abandon me.
jh pyKw qh rihAw smwie ]2]
jeh paekhaa theh rehiaa samaae 2
Wherever I look, there I see Him pervading and permeating. 2
suMdru suGVu cquru jIA dwqw ]
su(n)dhar sugharr chathur jeea dhaathaa
He is Beautiful, All-knowing, the most Clever, the Giver of life.
BweI pUqu ipqw pRBu mwqw ]3]
bhaaee pooth pithaa prabh maathaa 3
God is my Brother, Son, Father and Mother. 3
jIvn pRwn ADwr myrI rwis ]
jeevan praan adhhaar maeree raas
He is the Support of the breath of life; He is my Wealth.
pRIiq lweI kir irdY invwis ]4]
preeth laaee kar ridhai nivaas 4
Abiding within my heart, He inspires me to enshrine love for Him. 4
mwieAw islk kwtI gopwil ]
maaeiaa silak kaattee gopaal
The Lord of the World has cut away the noose of Maya.
kir Apunw lIno ndir inhwil ]5]
kar apunaa leeno nadhar nihaal 5
He has made me His own, blessing me with His Glance of Grace. 5
ismir ismir kwty siB rog ]
simar simar kaattae sabh rog
Remembering, remembering Him in meditation, all diseases are healed.
crx iDAwn srb suK Bog ]6]
charan dhhiaan sarab sukh bhog 6
Meditating on His Feet, all comforts are enjoyed. 6
pUrn purKu nvqnu inq bwlw ]
pooran purakh navathan nith baalaa
The Perfect Primal Lord is Ever-fresh and Ever-young.
hir AMqir bwhir sMig rKvwlw ]7]
har a(n)thar baahar sa(n)g rakhavaalaa 7
The Lord is with me, inwardly and outwardly, as my Protector. 7
khu nwnk hir hir pdu cIn ] srbsu nwmu Bgq kau dIn ]8]11]
kahu naanak har har padh cheen sarabas naam bhagath ko dheen 811
Says Nanak, that devotee who realizes the state of the Lord, Har, Har, is blessed with the treasure of the Naam. 811

Why didn't such a sinful man die at birth?

This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Gauree on Ang 328 of Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj:
gauVI kbIr jI ]
gourree kabeer jee
Gauree, Kabeer Jee:
ijh kuil pUqu n igAwn bIcwrI ]
jih kul pooth n giaan beechaaree
That family, whose son has no spiritual wisdom or contemplation
ibDvw ks n BeI mhqwrI ]1]
bidhhavaa kas n bhee mehathaaree 1
- why didn't his mother just become a widow? 1
ijh nr rwm Bgiq nih swDI ]
jih nar raam bhagath nehi saadhhee
That man who has not practiced devotional worship of the Lord
jnmq ks n muE AprwDI ]1] rhwau ]
janamath kas n muou aparaadhhee 1 rehaao
- why didn't such a sinful man die at birth? 1Pause
mucu mucu grB gey kIn bicAw ]
much much garabh geae keen bachiaa
So many pregnancies end in miscarriage - why was this one spared?
bufBuj rUp jIvy jg miJAw ]2]
buddabhuj roop jeevae jag majhiaa 2
He lives his life in this world like a deformed amputee. 2
khu kbIr jYsy suMdr srUp ] nwm ibnw jYsy kubj kurUp ]3]25]
kahu kabeer jaisae su(n)dhar saroop naam binaa jaisae kubaj kuroop 325
Says Kabeer, without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, beautiful and handsome people are just ugly hunch-backs. 325